MyPaint-Brushes for GIMP 2.10

GIMP 2.10 发布,添加了数不清的新功能。 其中的一个功能是 GIMP 可以使用 MyPaint 的画笔,但我感觉载入的默认画笔的图标与顺序有些混乱。
所以我制作了 36个 MyPaint 画笔,这些画笔有序排列、分类清晰,便于使用。

这套画笔不适合 MyPaint,比如“002 Frame Line”在 MyPaint 中会有“笔漏水”的现象。 在 GIMP 2.10 中按住 Shift,“002 Frame Line”可以画出直线,这是在 GIMP 中默认的 MyPaint 画笔做不到的。

其他的画笔也有经过调试,比如“005 Calligraph”是硬边。
使用“006 Paint Brush”以最大压力绘画时边缘也不会出现锯齿。
“015 Van Gogh”是我意外调试出来的画笔,很像名画“星夜”中的笔触,所以我将这个画笔命名为:梵高 :)

MyPaint 不需要这些画笔,这只是给 GIMP 2.10 设计的。
并且我在调试时不小心把导入 MyPaint 画笔的“.conf”文件给删除了…

安装方法: 打开 GIMP 菜单,编辑 -> 首选项 -> (文件夹 -> MyPaint 笔刷) ,
点击 [添加新文件夹] 按钮,打开 [SLOS_MPB] 目录,确定后重启 GIMP。

This brushes is not suitable for MyPaint, such as “002 Frame Line” in MyPaint will “pen leaking” phenomenon.
In GIMP 2.10, hold down the Shift, “002 Frame Line” to draw a straight line, which is the default MyPaint brushes can not be achieved in GIMP.

Other brushes have also been debugged, such as “005 Calligraph” is a hard edge.
“006 Paint Brush” to draw at maximum pressure, the edges will not jagged.
“015 Van Gogh” is a brush that I accidentally debugged, much like the strokes in the famous painting “The Starry Night”, so I named this brush: Van Gogh :)

MyPaint doesn't need these brushes, it is just designed for GIMP 2.10.
And I accidentally deleted MyPaint-brushes “.conf” file when debugging…

Brushes style features:
Orderly arrangement and clear classification.

Installation Method:
1. Edit -> Preferences ->(Folders -> MyPaint Brushes)
2. Click on the [Add a new folder] button to open the [SLOS_MPB] directory.
3. Restart GIMP

License: cc-zero
Brushes-files as Public Domain, CC0, Free to use.

下载链接/Download Link: > My GitHub

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森林OS (SenlinOS)
Comics Art with GNU/Linux